Online Counseling
Do you feel unsure about online counseling?
You aren’t alone with that question. Now more than ever, people are struggling with anxiety, stress, & depression - especially after having life having been so disrupted. Even though you may be thinking about counseling, you may feel like many of our clients - you’d prefer to skip the hassle of traveling to the office adding on even more time to your busy schedule - or you’d rather be in the comfort of your own home. There are lots of reasons so many of our clients are choosing online counseling. Online counseling is one of the ways we can bring counseling to wherever you are in a way that’s much more convenient & flexible. You also don’t have to be alone trying to figure out how to feel better by yourself - hoping to find the “right fix” through internet articles & posts that may or may not work for you.
Online counseling allows:
the convenience of counseling in your own home or office
more flexibility when meeting with us
individualized scheduling so we can find what works for you personally
Is Online Counseling effective as good as seeing you in person?
Research shows that online counseling is shown to actually be as effective as, and in some cases better than face-to-face counseling. You can read about this study by clicking here: Online Counseling.
These and many other reasons are why receiving counseling online with us is right for you.
These other reasons may include the fact that you’re busy, or maybe you just don’t live or work that close to our office. The same effective counseling services you receive in our office can instead be delivered in a much more convenient & effective way while still being confidential and secure through video sessions.
You may have heard it called “telehealth” or “teletherapy” - it’s all the same. And, it’s convenient, easy & a much more flexible option for most of our clients.
How does Online Counseling Work?
It’s like Face- Time but better because it’s secure and maintains your privacy through the platform we use.
Online counseling uses a secure online platform that still brings us together in real time, “in person”, and many of our online clients love it because they can be comfortable in their own homes or office, sipping tea or coffee, even wearing their sweats! Total comfort with the best flexibility…many people really are loving it!
And there’s really nothing missing…any worksheets, or written material we use, is shared with you via email either before or right after the session. So, the only thing you’re missing out on is the trip into the office & sitting in our office.
We do understand that you may have concerns about privacy especially if you don’t live alone. Many of our clients don’t. So, they’ll find a quiet place in their homes, offices, cafes, or even go sit outside. You do need a good secure WiFi connection - but that’s it.
What are some of the advantages to Online Counseling?
You don’t need to come into the office. - This can save time & money.
No barrier to receiving therapy. - Whether you have physical limitations or are feeling under the weather, you can access us without needing to leave your home.
Access - We can serve you no matter where you live or work in the State of NJ! There’s no need to commute a long distance to see us.
Privacy - No one will see you coming & going from our office.
It’s great if you suffer from social anxiety or agoraphobia.
No traffic, parking concerns, or directions. Just a simple click of a link.
While we know Online counseling can be very effective, there are instances when it isn’t appropriate. For instance, if you’re feeling suicidal, experiencing psychosis, or experiencing any symptoms that may put you at a higher risk, we do recommend you be seen in person.
What about those subscription Online Counseling services?
We aren’t going to knock them. They serve a purpose & we know some very good therapists who work with them. But they aren’t for everyone & come with their obstacles.
They may be a good fit for you. But, there are some things we think you should be aware of before deciding:
The therapists are often transient - meaning because the reimbursement to their professionals are horribly low, most therapists use them as they transition to online counseling but don’t stay very long. This means you may have to change your therapist at some point.
Not all the therapists have extensive experience which is something that is very important in this field.
We have heard from clients, and seen reports, where the response back to you is either very short, missed, or delayed.
That’s NOT to say there aren’t some very good therapists on there. There are. But, be aware of the risks and benefits just as you would with anything else and then make your decision based on doing your own research. It may be right for you. Most of the time, we hear that isn’t the case. This is just an honest opinion based on what we ourselves have seen and heard. We want to be transparent about that so you can do what’s best for you.
To see how effective Online Counseling is, we can look at the data:
“In conclusion, the aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to collect and analyze studies in which ICBT (Internet-based CBT) had been directly compared with face-to-face CBT. The findings are clear in that the overall effect for the main outcomes was close to zero, indicating that the two treatment formats are equally effective in treating social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, depressive symptoms, body dissatisfaction, insomnia, tinnitus, male sexual dysfunction, spider phobia, snake phobia, and fibromyalgia.”
Online counseling is a relatively new way many of our clients are finding it a great way to integrate treatment into their busy lives.
You can join us right from your work during a break or from the comfort of your home.
For whatever reason, wherever you have access to the Internet, we can provide your session right online.
To receive counseling online, you can follow these simple steps:
Contact Beth or Kevin to start the process.
We will email you an Intake form to make sure we can best serve you.
Please note: Online counseling is not appropriate if you’re feeling suicidal, homicidal, or experiencing psychosis.In these cases, you will need a higher level of care.
After receiving the completed Intake form back, within 24-48 business hours, we’ll reach out to set up a free 15-minute phone chat so we can answer your questions & make sure we can serve you best.
After we’ve determined we can best serve your needs via Online Counseling:
For self-pay clients: Payment must be made using our secure credit card processor: IvyPay.
For insurance clients, all copays must be paid at the time of your session using IvyPay, our secure credit card processing system.
Click on the correct waiting room below & we’ll meet you there! It’s just like FaceTime but HIPAA-complaint and secure!
For follow-up sessions, it’s the same process each session…you just follow the same link & payment procedure.
To see how easy it is, you can click on our Online waiting room at any time. Don’t worry, we won’t click you into a session unless you have an appointment! You can check it out privately here:

You may also contact us by clicking here: Counseling in Point Pleasant, NJ
Recent Online Counseling Blog Posts
(Below are some of our posts - you can find more on the other pages for more specific issues)
Counseling Tip : How to Help Someone You Care For Have Stronger Self-Esteem
Counseling Corner: The Relationship Checkup
Counseling Brief: Emotional Survival Tips in Times of Stress
Tips To Resolve Conflicts in Relationships
Counseling Tips: How You Can Build Your "People Skills"
12 Rules for Effective Communication
About Setting Effective Goals for Yourself
How to Be More Self-Confident (with Quiz)
33 Ways to Use Your Journal for Self-Discovery and Self-Expression
Inside a Therapy Session: What Really Goes On
Learning through Online Therapy: Assertiveness - 20 Tips
When the Monsters Come Calling - How to Cope with Worry
How to Forgive Another Person for Past Hurts
Let's Look at Common Causes of Stress