Learning through Online Therapy: Assertiveness - 20 Tips

Most of us know that assertiveness will get you further in life than being passive or aggressive. But few of us were actually taught how to be assertive. Here are some helpful tips.

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Stop Judging. Start Loving Yourself.

Do you practice the constant state of judging yourself? And, has anyone ever said to you, "Oh, you shouldn't feel that way!" Or maybe, "That's a terrible thought!"? I'm not talking about anything catastrophic here, I'm talking about everyday kinds of thoughts and feelings.

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Are You Being “Selfish"?

  Inside the dark envelope that surrounds you, it’s warm, peaceful, and almost blissful. You are sleeping soundly, the slow rhythm of the night has found its way into your very breath, relaxing and soothing you after the day before that left you sapped, drained, done. It’s the only time your body and mind have to turn off even for just a few hours. Well, somewhat anyway. You could relish this for at least a few more hours, totally unaware and uncaring in this moment of what calls to you from the rest of this new day. That list of things that always seems to be waiting, and sometimes wailing, for attention. In this brief escape, you are relaxed and unburdened by the weight of this brand new day.

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When the Monsters Come Calling - How to Cope with Worry

You mean there really is such a thing as monsters, Beth?  Let's get clear before I give you nightmares! The monsters I'm talking about are the ones who come visiting, most often at night, just as we are trying to let go of the day and fall into a deep, restful sleep. These monsters don't have physical form, but they are real just the same. The monsters may not be big and hairy with pointy teeth, but they bite us just the same...

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How to Forgive Another Person for Past Hurts

No one gets through life without being hurt by another person. We all have experienced the pain of a thoughtless remark, gossip, or lie. If you have experienced an unhappy marriage, the devastation of infidelity, or suffered physical or emotional abuse, you know what it feels like to be hurt. It is tempting to hold on to these feelings and build a wall of safety around yourself, but the best way to heal is to forgive the person who hurt you.

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