Posts in Online Therapy
How to Forgive Another Person for Past Hurts

No one gets through life without being hurt by another person. We all have experienced the pain of a thoughtless remark, gossip, or lie. If you have experienced an unhappy marriage, the devastation of infidelity, or suffered physical or emotional abuse, you know what it feels like to be hurt. It is tempting to hold on to these feelings and build a wall of safety around yourself, but the best way to heal is to forgive the person who hurt you.

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Anxiety: What it Is & What to Do About It

Every human feels anxiety on occasion; it is a part of life. All of us know what it is like to feel worry, nervousness, fear, and concern. We feel nervous when we have to give a speech, go for a job interview, or walk into our boss’s office for the annual performance appraisal. We know it’s normal to feel a surge of fear when we unexpectedly see a photo of a snake or look down from the top of a tall building. Most of us manage these kinds of anxious feelings fairly well and are able to carry on with our lives without much difficulty. These feelings don’t disrupt our lives.

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Let's Look at Common Causes of Stress

Stress has become a factor in our culture in the last 20 years partly because of the very things that were originally designed to make life less stressful. Conveniences such as ATM machines, microwave ovens, computers, cell phones, and fax machines have made life easier in many ways, but they also have woven an expectation of instant gratification into our culture. This can cause a constant flow of stress for some.

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